Monday, 26 December 2016


 Bringing  a baby is a very beautiful experience..By giving birth to a baby you have brought home your little bundle of joy.Though taking care of your new born can be one of the most special and rewarding experience of your life.To take care of a new born,you need to know how to give a your baby the rest and care to be taken which babies need and also healthy dose of love and affection.If you are a old parent its fine as you have brought a kid previously you might be trained parent and may know all tips for bringing up babies...But if you haven't spent a lot of time around a new born or you are a new parent ,its very tough to bring up a new born...Many care should be taken for bringing up a new born..

Today here i am going to give some tips for a new parent...

When a baby is born and comes in this world,it’s a very new atmosphere for a baby.


New born babies need its mother every minute and sleeps 16 hours a day or more also.New born sleeps continuous for 2 to 4 hours.So don’t expect much that they will sleep full night.As there storage system of food is too small so they will need milk which is there food every 2 to 3 hours.So they may awake in middle of night 3 to 4 times for feeding..Some babies sleep nicely and some may not,so its not a big deal.It varies for babies to babies.Like adult also babies will create there own sleeping habit in future.Many babies have there days and night mixed up so they tend to sleep more in day and awake in night.For this you can always do this : keep the stimulation at night to a minimum and keep lights low such as by using night lamps very light.Reserve talking and playing with your babies for day time.


Swaddling means wrapping a baby in a blanket or any dupattas. Swaddling works well for babies for starting few weeks,is a very important technique new parent should learn.Swaddling keeps a baby secure as it was in mothers stomach..It helps to sleep nicely and for longer time also..

 *Spread out the blanket or dupatta and make and fold top corner in middle and make a triangle shape.
 *Place your baby face up in middle of blanket and with his or her head up the folded blanket.
 *Wrap the left corner over the body and tuck it beneath the back of the baby,going under the right arm.
 *Bring the feet down n make straight.And bring the bottom corner up over the babies feet and pull it towards the head,folding the fabric down if it gets close to face.
 *Wrap your right corner around the baby and tuck it under the babies back on the left side leaving only the neck and head exposed.

NOTE:Make sure that your baby is not too tightly wrapped as they will have problem in breathing and chances of dysplasia increases…

Also make sure that the blanket is not loosely tied else it will come out as if you have not wrapped it.

           See you all in the next article for more tips and guidance::

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