When your baby is ready for solid food and you have got a signal from your child specialist to start solid food, try it on a day when your baby is in good mood and not cranky. Have your baby sit between your lap or in a higher chair with support all side, as 6 month baby can sit straight then also support is needed while feeding solid food.
Do not make your baby eat if they are crying or turn
away when you feed solid food to them. Go back to the breast milk. One of the easy ways to feed solid foods to your baby is to give your
baby a little breast milk and then switch to very small amount of solid food
and then finish it with more of breast milk. This will prevent your baby from
getting frustrated when she is very hungry. For the first time feeding solid
food, give 1 to 2 tsp of semi liquid food to babies after breast feeding them. Use soft tipped spoon to feed your baby to avoid injury
to their gums and mouth. Take small amount of food in the tip of the
spoon and feed them.
Solid food differs for all tradition. Many have
tradition to start the solid food with some sweet food like kheer or liquid
form of shira. One of the easy ways is to start with light and semi
liquid food for toddlers. Start with a small quantity of food. Baby will be
unable to consume more food at starting age. As they are not use to it. It’s
always said anything needs time. So give time to baby to get use to it.
Food you start must be in very fine paste or puree
form so that baby can swallows it easily and can digest easily. As the kid of 6 months are not having teeth for chewing so make puree of
any solid food and feed them so that they can accept easily. Always make a fine
puree of any food you give to child with the blender or in mixer. Else if they
will be uneasy to swallow the solid food for babies which can affects their health
or they will have disinterest for solid food and will continue to breast milk
as it’s easy for them to accept the breast milk.
After 6th month baby needs more nutrients besides
breast milk. As they grow they need more food to develop there
all parts, as they play more and start to walk on stomach or may be try to walk
on their leg also. All nutritious values should be added in babies’ food, so
that they can get all nutrition’s and vitamins which are need after 6 month.
Give different variety of food to child so that they may create an
interest in eating solid food. Else getting same taste or same food will get
them bored and will discontinue it. A good diet should contain all mineral, vitamins
and calcium.
You should start with any one food and have to look at the reactions of
child s body, How does body of child react after eating particular food. Do
they get vomiting, diarrhea or any other reaction. If child is getting any of
this reaction. You must stop that particular food
for time being.
As the immune system and digestive system of child is just developing so
they may take time to be use to solid food. So feed them in small quantity and
then slowly and steadily can increase the quantity as and how required.
Feeding solid food to babies for first few times will make spill on their
face and hand and stomach, and they will be full of solid foods on their body, but don’t get upset. It will be fine after some
feeding training. So start with 1 to 2 tsp of food so that baby gets time to
learn how to swallow the solid foods.
When you are feeding solid food to your baby first time, it’s a great
deal. You should record all the things your baby does for a sweet memory. Same
way when you first start the solid food that should also be recorded. It helps
you to see the reaction and different mood of your baby. In short sit with a camera while feeding the baby so that
u can capture each and every moment of babies reaction with the different taste
of solid food.
Have a sweet start of solid food and capture all
memories for life time.
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